
TF Solutions donate £30k air conditioning system at Staffordshire children’s hospice - TF Solutions

Written by TF Solutions | 31/05/2022

TF Solutions, in partnership with Fujitsu Air Conditioning and Lawton Tubes have donated, designed and installed a state-of-the-art Fujitsu VRF Air Conditioning system, worth £30K to The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice in Staffordshire. The hospice is the company’s nominated charity which provides outstanding levels of treatment and support for children battling life limiting conditions across Staffordshire and Cheshire.

The project represents the biggest donation that has been made to the hospice by TF Solutions in what has been a long established relationship between the air conditioning distributor and the charity spanning over four years, following on from a number of key fundraising events that have already resulted in over £10,000 being raised for the hospice on behalf of TF Solutions.

The project has been designed and planned in its entirety by TF Solutions and the system and all installation materials provided completely free of charge to The Donna Louise. They have been busy on site for several weeks with a team of contractors installing the system and are now ready to complete work on the environmentally friendly, energy-saving air-conditioning system into the hospice. The system itself has the capacity to cool five patient bedrooms as well as a parent’s lounge and a conference room at the Hospice, allowing for heating and cooling in key areas of the hospice that patients and guests frequent.

Lewis Jones, Technical Services Manager at TF Solutions comments: “We have been fortunate enough to work with Fujitsu in providing their highly energy efficient Fujitsu VR2 three pipe system for the Hospice. The install has been completed to the highest standards with nothing spared. The system allows for simultaneous heating, cooling and energy recovery covering all of the above rooms in the hospice.

“Due to the sensitivity of the environment, we decided to opt for ducted evaporators so that future service and maintenance work can be conducted via the loft space to reduce disruption to occupants of the bedrooms below.  These ducted units will also allow for better air distribution and minimise the risk of draughts. As The Donna Louise is a non–profit organisation we were extremely aware of

running costs for any equipment we installed, and this system will enable their utility costs to reduce significantly without affecting the comfort of residents and guests.”

Andy Cherrill, Director at TF Solutions said: “We have supported The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice for over three years now and have raised over £10,000 through our fundraising activities over that period of time. When we heard how some of the bedrooms in the hospice have been too warm and how uncomfortable the children get, we wanted to put our expertise into action and do something practical to help too.

“We are always delighted to support The Donna Louise Hospice in any way we can and we would like to thank Fujitsu and Lawton Tubes for their help in this project.”

Andrew Colclough, Director of Operations for The Donna Louise commented: “We’re absolutely thrilled with this project and delighted that the work is now almost complete in time for the festive season. Children and families staying at the hospice will now benefit from temperature controlled rooms, making their stay here as comfortable as possible.”

Paul Airey, UK Distribution Sales Manager, of Fujitsu Air Conditioning said of the project “Fujitsu were honoured to be asked by TF Solutions to supply the air conditioning for The Donna Louise and help support such a worthwhile project. We understand that this contribution will make families lives a little more comfortable during extremely difficult times and wish everyone involved all the best for the future.”